


28年前,贝天牧 (Tim Baker)携家带口从美国来到中国,1992年起,他们陆续收养了四个中国孩子。2003年筹资成立牧羊地儿童村 ,成为中国最大的外资孤残寄养机构,帮助900多名孤儿找到了收养家庭,为近4000名残疾孤儿进行了修复手术。

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  1. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12x411g7qV
  2. http://player.youku.com/embed/XMTU0NDM5NTMwMA==

Philip Hayden Foundation
Philip Hayden Foundation provides therapy, medical care, and education for special-needs orphans and individuals in China.
In 2006, Shepherd’s Field Children’s Village opened its doors to focus exclusively on the medical and therapy needs of special-needs orphans. Our campus has a medical clinic, therapy center, school, a guest house for visitors and guests, an office, and a vocational center. Children at Shepherd’s Field receive medical care and education, and more than half receive therapy in fine motor skills, gross motor skills, or speech.

Since our founding, we have:

  • Cared for more than 4,000 orphaned children. Provided more than 3,000
  • surgeries and medical procedures. Helped more than 900 children find
  • Forever Families of their own.

Although we have helped hundreds of orphans find adoptive homes, we have many wonderful children who still need families of their own. Who knows, maybe your family is one of them? Check out our advocate page to see kids who are waiting for their forever families.

Join Us
We would love you to be part of our work at Philip Hayden Foundation. We are always looking for more friends to join our family of supporters and volunteers. Together, we can change the lives of even more orphans. See how you can get involved!

Changes at Shepherd’s Field
Changes are underway at Shepherd’s Field, but our commitment to special needs orphans and individuals in China is unchanged. We need your continued support. If you have questions, please contact us.
